The Māori language is the cornerstone of Māori culture
The legacy of Hawaiki lives within us. As people of Hawaiki, we inhabit our whakapapa and carry its stories in our very DNA.
We are infused with the values and wisdom of our ancestors, and empowered by the tales of Hawaikirangi, the celestial Hawaiki, and the Hawaiki tangata, the descendants who walk the earth. Hawaikirangi and Hawaiki tangata serve as the foundational pillars of Whakaata Māori.
We are entrusted with the responsibility of sharing the rich stories of our past, present, and future with the world.
The Māori language and culture is the mauri of our Whakaata Māori waka, imbuing it with
spiritual power and significance.
We are dedicated to fostering an environment where our language and culture can flourish, promoting initiatives such as rumaki reo and te tukunga iho o te
We take pride in creating content that further these goals and contributes to the vitality of
our language and cultural heritage.
The fifth star, Te Kautu ki te Rangi, is the steering paddle.
It personifies our vision “kia mauri ora te
reo”, which is ever present, keeping us focused on a future where the Māori language is spoken
everywhere and all the time.
Tini whetū ki te rangi, ko te iwi Māori ki te whenua.
Like the multitude of the stars in the sky, the
great Māori people are on earth.